Specialist's qualification: Chemist. Teacher.

Teaching plan.

1.Higher mathem atics - 9 cr.
2. Information science and work on personal computers - 6
3. Physics - 7, 5
4. General and inorganic chemistry - 10
5. Analytical c hemistry - 9
6. Organic chem istry - 9
7. Physical che mistry - 8
8. Colloidal ch emistry - 2
9. Quantum chem istry and quantum mechanics - 2
10. Physical me thods of research - 2
11. Chemistry o f crystals - 1,5
12. High-molecu lar compounds - 5
13. Chemical te chnology and technological processes engineering - 4
14. Composition of substance - 2
15. Industrial enterprises analysis - 1,5
16. Engineering graphics - 1
17. Material le arning - 1,5
18. Analytical service organization in industry - 1
19. Passing mat erials: ecology and utilization - 1,5
20. Natural sor bents and environment protection - 1,5
21. Condensed h eterocycles in chemistry, biology and technics - 1,5
22. Ukraine lea rning and history of Ukraine - 3
23. Labour prot ection - 1
24. Nature prot ection - 1
25. Psychology - 1
26. Pedagogics and educational work methods - 2,5
27. History and methodology of chemistry - 1
28. Logics - 1
29. Chemistry t eaching methodology - 2

The III-V year students have advanced specialization in one of such disciplines, reaching 8 credits:

1) Analytical c hemistry;
2) Organic chem istry
3) Physical and colloidal chemistry;
4) Inorganic ch emistry

Study practices: Aquainting-indroduction - 4 cr.

Practical training:

1. Technologica l - 4
2. Pedagogical - 6
3. Pre-diploma - 9

Final examination: Chemistry.

Diploma paper.


Specialist's qualification: Engineer, chemist, technologist.

Teaching plan.

1. Computationa l mathematics and programming - 3,5 cr.
2. Higher mathe matics - 8
3. Physics - 6
4. Engineering graphics - 2,5
5. Applied math ematics - 3
6. General and inorganic chemistry - 5
7. Analytical c hemistry - 4
8. Organic chem istry - 4
9. Physical che mistry - 6
10. Colloidal c hemistry - 2
11. Electrotech nics and its fundamentals - 2
12. Chemical pr oductions electrotechnology - 1,5
13. Chemical te chnology processes and apparatus - 6
14. General che mical technology - 2,5
15. Usage of pe rsonal computers in chemical technology - 2
16. Automatics, ACAD - 2
17. Labour prot ection in the branch of chemistry - 2
18. Economics o f the branch - 2
19. Organizatio n and planning of production - 3
20. High-molecu lar compounds - 3
21. Fundamental s of toxicology - 1
22. Logics - 1

The III-V year students have advanced specialization in chemical technology and industrial ecology, reaching 15 credit.

Study practice: Engineering - 4 cr.

Practical training:

1. Technologica l - 6
2. Pre-diploma - 9

Diploma paper.

Besides normative and elective disciplines within teaching plans, the students of all departments have specialization in humanitarian and socio-political cycle in such terms:

1. History of U kraine - 2 credits
2. Business Ukr ainian language - 2
3. Ukrainian an d foreign culture - 2
4. Philosophy - 2
5. Fundamentals of psychology and pedagogics - 1
6. Religion lea rning - 1
7. Fundamentals of economical theories - 2
8. Politology - 2
9. Sociology - 1
10. Fundamental s of law - 1
11. Foreign lan guage - 6
12. Physical tr aining - 4
13. Fundamental s of ecology - 1
14. Labour prot ection - 0.5
15. Civil defen ce - 0.5