Specialist's qualification: Philologist. Ukrainian language and literature teacher.

Teaching plan.

1. Introduction into Slavonic philology - 1 credit
2. Introduction into linguistics - 2
3. Introduction into literary criticism - 2
4. Folk poetry - 2
5. Orthographical practice - 2
6. Ethnology - 1
7. Modern Ukrainian - 13
8. History of Ukrainian literature - 12,5
9. Latin - 1
10. Old Slavonic - 1
11. History of world literature - 8,5
12. Slavonic language - 6
13. History of the Ukrainian language - 4
14. Ukrainian dialectology - 1
15. History of Russian literature - 2,5
16. Ethics - 1
17. History of Ukrainian literary criticism - 1
18. Pedagogics and ¬?a®¤??  ??a®?­®o a®?®a? - 1
19. Ukrainian language teaching methodics - 2
20. Ukrainian literature teaching methodics - 2
21. National literatures history - 1
22. Age and pedagogical psychology - 1
23. General linguistics - 1
24. Theory of literature and fundamentals of esthe tycs - 1,5

Total - 71

The III-V year students have advanced specialization in one of such disciplines, reaching 17 credits:

Literary criticism

Study practices:

Folklore - 2 ?a.
Dialectological - 2

Practical training:

Pedagogic l - 8
Pre-diploma - 4

Final examination: History of the Ukrainian language (or literature)

Diploma paper.


Specialist's qualification: Philologist. Russian language and literature teacher.

Teaching plan.

1. History of Russia - cr.
2. Ethnology of Russia - 0,5
3. Modern Russian - 12,5
4. History of the Russian language - 5
5. Old Slavonic language - 3
6. History of Russian literature - 12,5
7. Introduction into linguistics - 2
8. Latin - 1
9. Introduction into Slavonic philology - 1
10. History of Russian culture - 1
11. Folk poetry - 2
12. History of the world literature - 7
13. Introduction into literary criticism - 2
14. Orthographical practice- 1,5
15. Information science - 1
16. Russian dialectology - 1
17. History of Ukrainian literature - 2,5
18. General and age psychology - 1
19. Ethics - 0,5
20. Modern Ukrainian - 4,5
21. Fundamentals of rhethoric and oratory - 1,5
22. History of Russian literary criticism - 1
23. Modern Slavonic languages - 4
24. Pedagogics and educational work methodics - 1
25. Russian language teaching methodics - 2
26. Russian literature teaching methodics - 2
27. National literatures history - 1,5
28. Age and pedagogical psychology - 0,5
29. Theory of literature and fundamentals of esthe tics - 1,5

Total - 77,5

The III-V year students have advanced specialization in one of such disciplines, reaching 16 credits:

Literary criticism

Study practices:

Folklore - 2 ?a.
Dialectological - 2

Practical training:

Pedagogic l - 8
Pre-diploma - 4

Final examination:: History of Russian language (or literature).

Diploma paper.


Specialist's qualification: Philologist. Hungarian language and literature teacher.

Teaching plan.

1. Introduction into linguistics - 2 credits
2. Introduction into literary criticism - 2
3. Folk poetry - 2
4. History of Hungary - 1
5. Information science and technical teaching aids - 1
6. Modern Hungarian - 14,5
7. Latin - 3
8. Introduction into Finno-Ugrian science - 1
9. History of Hungarian culture - 1
10. History of world literature - 6
11. History of Hungarian literature - 13
12. Orthographical practice - 1,5
13. History of the Hungarian language - 6
14. Hungarian dialectology - 1
15. Psychology - 1
16. Modern Ukrainian - 4
17. Ukrainian literature history - 4
18. Russian literature history - 1
19. Social linguistics - 1
20. Finno-Ugrian languages - 2
21. Fundamentals of rhethoric and oratory - 1
22. History of Hunagrian literary criticism - 1
23. Pedagogics and educational work methodics - 1, 5
24. Hungarian language teaching methodics - 2
25. Hungarian literature teaching methodics - 2
26. Theory of literature and fundamentals of esthe tics - 1,5
27. National literatures history - 1,5
28. General linguistics - 1
29. Elective courses - 15

Total - 94,5

Study practices:

Folklore - 2 cr.
Dialectological - 2

Practical training:

Pedagogical - 8
Pre-diploma - 4

Final examination: History of the Hungarian language (or literature).

Diploma paper.