[Main] [Organizing Committee] [Local Committee] [Agenda] [Registration] Abstracts [Location]
An abstract must not exceed one page and be in Ukrainian, Russian or English language.
Sample of abstract LaTeX file
\textwidth=110mm \textheight=170mm
\small \title{\large Title}
\author{\normalsize A. A. Ivanenko (Uzhgorod National University)
\and \normalsize A. A. Pasztor (Debrecen University)}
\date{} \maketitle
Let $K$ be a ring and $G$ be a finite $p$-group. It's making up clear
in \cite{IvaPas, CurRei} that if ...
\def\refname{\normalsize\bf References}
\bibitem{IvaPas} A. A. Ivanenko, A. A. Pasztor, \textit{On representations
of finite $p$-groups}, Ukr. Math. J. {\bf 53} (2001), N1, 120--152.
\bibitem{CurRei} C. W. Curtis, I. Reiner, \textit{Methods of representation
theory I}, Wiley and Sons, New York, 1981. \end{thebibliography}